International Relations Office

Application Process

How and when do I apply? Steps to Apply for the International Exchange Program.


The application option for an international on-site exchange for the 2nd semester of 2022 is open, the deadline for applications reception will begin the third week of March and end the first Friday of April. It is each student’s responsibility to know the possible consequences associated with the COVID-19 pandemics, such as quarantines, border closures, flight suspensions, visa denials, etc.

Exchange Semester 1st Semester 2024 (February - June)
Reception of applications opens August 14th, 2023
Reception of applications closes** September 08th, 2023
Revision of documents and nomination to the foreign university September 11th to 15th, 2023
Application to the foreign university ***
Pre-departure orientation (attendance is mandatory) December 07th, 2023

** If the student is applying to an exchange program in the United States, he/she must consider presenting the application, ideally, 2 weeks before the closing date of application reception. He/she must consider having the mandatory language certification (TOEFL).

*** The acceptance or rejection response will depend on the University of destination. It could take 4 to 6 weeks approximately.


  • Students can only participate in exchange programs with universities that have an agreement with Universidad Mayor and which have similar study programs. *
  • Students should inform themselves of the approximate monthly costs during the exchange.*
  • Students must be regular students at UM.
  • Have personal and health backgrounds that are compatible with the exchange.
  • Present certified knowledge of the language of the country they are visiting.
Country Type of exam Useful information
United States TOEFL minimum score 80 IBT TOEFL or 550 Paper based (MANDATORY). Visit to verify costs, center, and exam dates. Ask for TOEFL preparation at Education USA
United Kingdom IELTS score equal to or high than 6.0 (MANDATORY).
Germany Goethe Institut TestDaF level 4 or 5 by the requirements of the university of destination. TOEFL for German universities which offer programs or courses in English.
France French Knowledge Test (TCF) of the Instituto Chileno Francés de Cultura indicates the level of knowledge. TOEFL for French universities which offer programs or courses in English.
Italy CILS 2 or 3 certifications depending on the requirements of the university of destination. The test is taken at the Instituto Chileno Italiano de Cultura, indicating your level of knowledge.
Brazil/Portugal Ask the destination university for the Portuguese level required or present Language Certification Celpe Bras which is accredited by the Centro Cultural Brasil-Chile.

**Universidad Mayor students who apply to an exchange program in countries with native languages and English, such as Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and the Netherlands, among others, must consult the destination university which English exam they require.

To participate in the Exchange Program, students must be enrolled as “regular students”. In case the student has financial support, such as an external scholarship, CAE, or is part of the gratuity system, these should be maintained during the exchange. Nevertheless, we suggest asking the entity which is giving such support to confirm if these financial support systems would be maintained or not during the exchange period.

Universidad Mayor Students are exempted from paying the enrollment fee and monthly payment at the destination university if the agreement between both institutions indicates so. Each student must pay normal monthly payments at Universidad Mayor.

Students must consider normal exchange costs, such as passport payment, flights or land transportation, food, accommodation, study elements, and medical insurance, among others.

Students must understand that agreements with certain universities might not consider costs for other services, such as course enrollment, study materials, exclusive transportation card, exclusive medical insurance, mandatory medical insurance, etc. These costs could be from the US $20 to US$ 800 approximately.

Students can participate in the exchange program only with universities that have an agreement with Universidad Mayor, and which have the support of the Direction of the corresponding School to homologate courses attended during the exchange, to validate the courses approved during the exchange to advance in their program.

Once the student has identified a university of interest, he/she must explore its website and identify the courses available, which should also be compatible with his/her program.

Although there is no limit of applicants per program, the quotas to apply to the exchange per university of destination, correspond to:

  • A maximum of 2 to 3 students from Universidad Mayor in each university of destination.
  • Up to 3 students of the same Program at Universidad Mayor can apply to the university of destination to avoid saturation of quotas, it is suggested to students to use all agreements available.
  • In case there is high demand for a university of destination, the International Education Office through the School/Program will decide the applicants by their general grade average in their Grade Records.

For information on agreements by school/program contact or


Download application form


  • Cover letter from the Director of the School/Program.
  • Personal information form of the applicant.
  • Academic Agreement form with the School at Universidad Mayor.
  • Contact form.
  • Economic solvency letter signed by the person responsible for financing the exchange of the student*.
  • Participation conditions and obligations of the Student Exchange Program.
  • Motivation letter of the student addressed to the destination university. Maximum one page. *
  • Transcript of Grade Record and Regular student certificate*, available through intranet at Universidad Mayor.
  • Curriculum Vitae*, a maximum of one page, must summarize the academic, personal, and professional achievements of the student.
  • Copy of language knowledge certificate for the destination country (MANDATORY). Each university with a language different from Spanish indicates its standard. Example United States: TOEFL exam.
  • Copy of the valid passport (MANDATORY). The date of expiration must be after the end of the exchange period.
  • Passport Photo.
  • Students from the Digital Animation, Design, and Architecture Schools, must present a portfolio of their work (USB, PDF, or in link to the cloud).
  • Health and Travel insurance: must be acquired once the destination university or the corresponding Consulate requires it, and they must present a copy of the insurance policy. Spain will ask for the insurance policy to allow the application of the student. Some universities could also ask for Civil Responsibility Insurance.

*In the case where the documentation must be translated to English by the student. The official translations must be made in Education USA.


IMPORTANT: Valid benefit only for students enrolled in the first year up to the year 2020.

1) Students from education programs that grant the title of Teacher enrolled from 2011 until 2020, Universidad Mayor pays for the roundtrip tickets for the academic exchange of a semester. **

2) Students of all programs, except those who grant the title of Teacher, enrolled in the university from 2012 until 2020 and with a PSU average (L-M) equal to or higher than 620 points, Universidad Mayor will pay for the roundtrip tickets for the academic exchange of a semester. **

** The area of Credits and Scholarship of Universidad Mayor will officially ratify if the student can have their flight ticket paid according to the enrollment situation.

  • The student must present the application form to the Direction of his/ her school before the deadline.
  • The Direction of the School or Program of the candidate for the Exchange Program will decide on the applications and each student will send the corresponding documentation to the International Relations Office.
  • Exchange fee: Each student must pay to Universidad Mayor the equivalent in Chilean pesos of US$ 60. This amount is for the administration of the exchange and of the International Relations Office. If the student does not go on the exchange, this amount will not be reimbursed.
  • The International Relations Office will revise all documentation received to nominate and present the application of each student to the Exchange Program of the university of an international destination.
  • Students participating in the exchange will sign, along with their legal guardian, the document “Participation Conditions in the Frame of Bilateral Agreements with Foreign Universities”.

Each student, once selected for the exchange, must acquire medical insurance in agreement towithhe the demands of the university and country of destination. The student must verify with the company where he/she acquired the insurance on how to activate it in the destination country and he/she must know what its coverage is. Likewise, he/she must leave a copy of the policy on the premises of the International Relations Office, as well as leave there a copy of the student visa once it has been granted by the destination country.

Students in the Exchange Program must attend, face-to-face or virtually, the pre-departure orientation meeting the International Relations Office organizes at Universidad Mayor.

During the stay in the foreign universities, the International Relations Office will do a follow-up on the progress of the exchange students. It will be the students’ duty to keep the International Relations Office informed of the exchange process.

Any change in the courses selected must be informed and approved by the student’s School or Program Director with a copy to the coordinator of the International Relations Office. Upon their return to Chile, students must bring the provisional grade form.

Upon their return to Chile, students must participate in the evaluation process of this international experience (online evaluation).

The International Relations Office of Universidad Mayor will receive the grade certificates that the students obtain during their international exchange. The originals will be sent to the corresponding Schools or Programs with a copy to the student. The school will proceed to validate the grades, and these will be notified to the Student Registry Direction.

We invite students to participate in this international experience and to promote it within their School or Program by communicating the possibility and the international experience they had.

Álvaro Gómez Orrego | Internationalization and Specific Projects Coordinator. International Relations Office. Universidad Mayor. | for information or to schedule a virtual meeting.

On-Site Exchange

Online Exchange


Internal Benefits

Flight ticket Benefit (valid for students enrolled until 2020)

IMPORTANT: benefit is valid only for students enrolled in the first year up to the year 2020.

1) Students from education programs that grant the title of Teacher enrolled sfrom2011 until 2020, Universidad Mayor pays for the roundtrip tickets for the academic exchange of a semester. **

2) Students of all programs, except those who grant the title of Teacher, enrolled in the university from 2012 until 2020 and with a PSU average (L-M) equal to or higher than 620 points, Universidad Mayor will pay for the roundtrip tickets for the academic exchange of a semester. **

** The area of Credits and Scholarship of Universidad Mayor will officially ratify if the student can have their flight ticket paid according to the enrollment situation.

External Scholarships

Santander Scholarships:

The Undergraduate International Mobility Scholarships aim to facilitate the improvement of studies abroad for undergraduate students. The recipients of the scholarship in the 2023 Call must be students of Chilean higher education institutions. Its amount will be destined to help pay the enrollment fees- if there were any-, travel, travel insurance, food, and accommodation. The sum per person of the Scholarships for all the recipients, without distinction of country, will be US$4.000 or the sum equivalent in Chilean pesos to the date when it is granted. This sum will be given by the Bank to the higher education institution, which will directly pay the recipient of the scholarship, ensuring that this payment will be used for the goals and objectives previously described.

Convocatoria Pregrado 2023

Convocatoria Oficial Santander U. Mayor

Bases Oficiales Santander Pregrado 2023

In the framework of advances in terms of cooperation of the Pacific Alliance, the governments of Chile, Colombia, México, and Perú agreed to institutionalize the Academic and Student Mobility Platform. The Platform offers the opportunity to have student and academic exchanges in the following modalities:

Undergraduate students from Higher Education Institutes, in modalities of technical and technological programs.

Undergraduate students in Higher Education Institutions in professional modalities.

PhD students, university teachers, guests, and researchers.

Areas of the program

  • 1. Public Administration
  • 2. Political Sciences
  • 3. International Commerce
  • 4. Economy
  • 5. Finances
  • 6. Engineering
  • 7. Innovation, Science, and Technology
  • 8. Environment and Climate Change
  • 9. Business and International Relations
  • 10. Tourism (Gastronomy and others related)

*Areas that are different from the ones mentioned in this call are excluded.

Duration of the Scholarship

a) Undergraduate students at Higher Education Institutes, in modalities of technical and technological programs will have a maximum duration of one (1) academic period (maximum 6 months); the recipient of the scholarship must attend and accredit a minimum of 4 courses, for programs that last 2 years or more. The presentation letter of the institution of origin must contain this information explicitly or in its defect the curriculum of the semester the student will attend must be attached.

ERASMUS Scholarships:

Erasmus+ is the program of the European Union (EU) for education, training, youth, and sports. Erasmus+ finances the academic mobility and cooperation projects in which partners from “countries in the program” and “associated countries” all over the world participate and supports activities that are closely related to the priorities of the EU in terms of cooperation policy with the associated countries and regions.

Universidad Mayor has had successful Erasmus scholarships with partner universities in Europe.

DAAD opportunities:

Work & Travel

Universal Student Exchange USE - Chile:


Virtual assistance via WhatsApp:

Working hours: 09:00 a 18:00 hrs

Work and Travel Program


Internship & Trainee Program

+51 981369912

“The information delivered by the Paid Jobs Abroad is of the exclusive responsibility of the Universal Student Exchange USE Chile and does not generate any responsibility for Universidad Mayor, whether it is derived from actions, omissions, or mistakes in the planning, development, or cancellation of the program.”




Av. Nueva Providencia 2214, Of. 106, Metro Los Leones, Providencia, Santiago, RM, 7510086.

+56 9 9745 9047

Skype: weusasantiago

“The information delivered by the Paid Jobs Abroad is of the exclusive responsibility of the WEUSA and does not generate any responsibility for Universidad Mayor, whether it is derived from actions, omissions or mistakes in the planning, development or cancellation of the program.”

AIESEC Volunteer Work

“The information delivered by the Volunteer Work Programs Abroad is of the exclusive responsibility of AIESEC and does not generate any responsibility for Universidad Mayor, whether it is derived of actions, omissions or mistakes in the planning, development or cancellation of the program”

Ver AIESEC Chile
